Track and trace technologies enable status to be captured throughout a value chain and paths to be retrospectively identified and verified. Within the built environment the assessment of value and path is essential; it enables pratitioners to learn from example and evaluate costs, while implication of all kinds fuels innovation. We have examined traces in the landscape, material practice and in the history of architecture and settlement to help create a track that leads into a newly imagined future.
This year UG12 students began by selecting an innovative construction material and exemplar building related to our brief. They examined and tested them technically and philosophically to create their own engaged studies; these were subsequently developed through our technical modules and informed the students’ final designs. We then journeyed across Switzerland in a combined road trip with UG4, visiting exemplary architecture with particular emphasis on the relationship of material practice and the environment.
Working individually and collectively, we then designed a settlement and the buildings within it. In doing so we agreed upon a set of values that defined its character, arrangement, material culture and interaction with the ecology of the site. The year was one of continued negotiation, the establishment of relationships with the landscape and with each other and ensuring the balance of individual initiative and communal cooperation.
Our settlement exists on the defensive wall and sluice that separates the village and marshes of Cley next the Sea, Norfolk. An area with a long history of avian and human occupation, the sheltered town was once an important harbour. However, land reclamation silted up the chalk channels to the River Glaven, and rising tides now threaten the protected wetlands and villages beyond.
Our tutors are architects who are involved day-to-day in making buildings. With them our students l¬earn how to draw, model and design based on a deep understanding of landscape and material practice. Taking the demands and opportunities of the climate emergency as a springboard, together we learn and imagine surprising futures based on a firm understanding of the conditions of society today.
[A] Marco Carraro
[B] Sammy Doublet
[C] Lok Chiu
[D] Thomas Butterworth
[E] Salima Begum
[F] Siqi Ouyang
[G] Yanyu Zhou
[H] Amelia Teigen
[I] Keeleigh Pham
[J] Libby Ko
[K] Sidre Sulevani
[L] Ziyan Zhao
[M] Arthur Ritchie
[N] Rebecca Criste