The Bartlett
Summer Show 2023
About the show



Music Conservation Centre: A stability in Structure and Sound

Project details

Unit UG8
Year 3
  • First Class Honours

A new centre for musical performance in San Lorenzo, Rome. The building acts as a stabiliser for its immediate context, both structurally and culturally, forming a crutch between an unstable city block and the adjacent ancient Aurelian city wall. Seemingly gravity-defying moments of mass and volume oversail a delicate timber skeleton, within which musical performance takes place and vinyl records are pressed.

The essence of musical performance is celebrated, from the raw and collective synchronisation of instrumental collaboration, through the precision, balance and varying forces of vinyl record production, to the archive as a form of musical memory.

The building offers a crutch to this pocket of the city, similar to how the music scene has for many years supported the locals who reside here.

Existing neighbourhood and architectural instabilities are wounds memorialised through musical production, now given a home for both performance and archival pressing.

The architecture attempts to memorialise, activate and frame the inherent performance of this instability, both spatially and sonically.

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The Bartlett
Summer Show 2023
23 June – 8 July 2023
Coming soon