Sited within the yearly theme of cultural understanding, this year, Year 1 MSci students have embarked on a journey of exploration and discovery in the London neighbourhood of Brixton. In response to the year building brief of London Local/e, the students were tasked with critically contemplating the essence of 'locality' and unraveling the spatial and urban characteristics that define a 'locale.'
Throughout the year, the students have studied and responded to a series of complex site conditions, addressing the intricate interplay of social, historical, technological, political and cultural narratives that shape the fabric of Brixton. With a firm understanding of the site and a unique and original personal lens, each student has crafted a building project that reflects their individual perspectives.
Guided by structural and digital skills classes, the projects showcase an ambitious investigation into locality and 'local elements' as key drivers of the project's programme and narrative. They offer a unique reflection on what it means to create an insertion in a part of the city of London that has experienced significant transformations in recent years.
The project aims to amplify the inherent qualities of the location by inspiring meaningful interactions through the thoughtful integration of book nooks and gardening spaces.
By blending the public realm, diverse generations and residents, it becomes a bastion against loneliness.
With its inviting, earthy materials and unconventional layout, it diverges from the typical urban housing model, creating a gentle collision between the outside world and the sanctuary within.