The Bartlett
Summer Show 2023
About the show



The Island We Remember

Project details

Unit Unit 1
Year 3

The project responds to the need of the local community to revive the collective memory of the Island of Zorrotzaurre, facing the changes of the new regeneration plan by Zaha Hadid Architects. It brings back the societies and clubs once present on the deserted island through the adaptive reuse of a neglected industrial building.

The building dedicates specific spaces to the costume making tradition, the traditional gastronomic club, the neighbourhood association, the youth and elder’s club, reviving a strong sense of community. It most importantly hosts the bi-annual carnivals and festivals for which the costume preparation goes on throughout the year. Costumes are an integral part of the carnival, and therefore also of the building. The design reflects the movement, lightness, playfulness, and materiality of carnivals. The fiestas would be launched from the proposed community centre.

Apart from hosting the flamboyant carnivals and clubs, the building aims to create a public realm, an inhabitable structure, promoting public green infrastructure.

Dusk East Façade Render

Image of the inhabited building during a community event through the varying opacities of the building façade. It invites the locals, and the residents across from the island to observe and take part into the activities.

Overview of the Project Plan: Ground Floor Plan

The green spine punctures through the building, creating a public outdoor realm within. It connects the tram to the island waterfront with a store frontage and an outdoor sheltered amphitheatre. The new versus retained structure are highlighted.

Summer Environmental Strategy Integrated Section

The summer strategies are outlined, of which most importantly are the self-shading properties of the façade, the openable façade for ventilation and passive cooling, as well as enhanced stack effect with the high-level windows and openings.

Structural Strategy Integrated Section

The existing structural elements are evaluated through various methods and used according to their capacities. The new structure is sized and optimised, with the optimal column design physically tested under compression.

Exploration Models

Exploring the quality of the green street under the rhythmically reused trusses, and the outdoor amphitheatre shading device.

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
Summer Show 2023
23 June – 8 July 2023
Coming soon